QC Financial Services

Disclosure & Privacy Policy


Licensing Information

QC Financial Services Ltd (FSP727472) holds a licence issued by the FMA to provide a financial advice service.
The FAP licence is subject to conditions contained in the Act, imposed by regulations, and imposed by the FMA under section 403 of the Act. More information please refer to FMA website.

Our office contact details:
Suite 3, Level 2, 86 Parnell Rd, Parnell, Auckland
Phone: 02102735808
Email: info@qcfs.co.nz

Nature & Scope of advice service

QC Financial Services Ltd provides Mortgage services and Accredited with the following product providers,

 Commercial banks: ANZ, ASB, Westpac, BNZ, SBS, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Kookmin Bank 

 Finance companies: First Mortgage Trust, Basecorp Finance, Avanti, Cressida, DBR etc  

Commission & Other incentives

On settlement of a mortgage, I receive commission from some of the above product providers I deal with. The commission is generally of an upfront nature but may also include a small renewal or trail commission. The commission range is from 0.50% to 0.88%. I also do receive a fixed rate roll over fee – $150 from some providers if I assist in refixing your loan.

A full schedule of all providers and their commission rates is available on request.

We may pay referral fee to the person refer your business to us and we may receive referral fee from other service providers.

Fees & Expenses


In some events that you may require me to act on your behalf in a transaction whereby I do not receive a commission from the product providers, I will charge a one-off fee for the services provided. Any such fee would be agreed in advance and authorized by you in writing. 

Generally, if the loan gets approved from the lender that does not pay commission, we do charge 1% -2% of agreed loan amount. In some events that you may terminate the product within commission clawback period, we may charge the clawback amount from you. Any such fee would be agreed in advance and authorized by you in writing..

Conflicts of interest

We are here for our clients and to advise you as best we can. Your interests are our priority although we do have business relationships with product provider. We also receive remuneration from some product providers such as commissions.

We manage these conflicts of interest by ensuring that we prioritise your interests above our own. The advice we provide is based on understanding your goals and circumstances and providing recommendations which are based on research.

Duties Information

I am bound by the duties of the Financial Markets Conduct Act to:

Meet the standards of competence, knowledge and skill set out in the Code of Conduct, Give priority to the clients’ interest and exercise care, diligence, and skill, Meet the standards of ethical behaviour, conduct, and client care set out in the Code of Conduct.

Complaints and handling process

If you have a problem, concern, or complaint about any part of my service, please tell me on +64 21 027 35808 or email info@qcfs.co.nz, so I can try to solve the problem.

You may also contact our internal disputes service by contacting my dealing group NewPark Financial Services Group, website is https://newpark.nz/

If we cannot agree on how to resolve the issue, you can also contact Financial Services Complain Limited (FSCL). This service will cost you nothing and will help us resolve any disagreements. You can contact FSCL by emailing complaints@fscl.org.nz, calling FSCL on 0800 347257, or in writing to Po Box 5967, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145.

Privacy policy

QC Financial Services Ltd are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. This privacy policy outlines our obligations and your rights as set out in the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020.

Consent to Privacy Policy

By using this website and/or service you are agreeing to this privacy policy. Please do not use the site and/or our services if you do not agree with this privacy policy.

We collect personal information from you, including information about your:

– Name;

– Contact Information;

– Location;

– Financial information;

– Interactions between us;

– Any other relevant information (depending the interaction with us and our services).

We collect your personal information in order to provide and promote our services to you, including:

– Conducting our business;

– Liaise with professionals including but not limited to solicitors and accountants when a referral is required, at your request;

– If you have insurance, those involved in the insurance process such as claims investigators, medical practitioners, re-insurers, insurance reference agencies and other professionals that are part of the process;

– For internal administration, marketing, planning, research and development requirements;

– Disclose your personal information for the purpose for which it was collected to financial institutions and insurance providers;

– Disclose your personal information for regulatory and contractual reporting and compliance;

– To follow up with you on a regular basis to provide further financial advice as and when required.

Other than QC Financial Services Limited staff, we share this information with:

– Retail banks, lenders and third-party financial service providers in order to assess your suitability for your application. QC Financial Services Limited may be required to disclose your personal information if disclosure is required by law, including laws of other jurisdictions, for example to government and regulatory authorities;

– We may also share this information with overseas third-party suppliers, service providers and other related bodies for some of the purposes listed above.

Providing some information is optional:

– If you choose not to provide some of your personal information, we will be unable to provide full services as intended.

Collection and Storage:

– Personal information is collected directly from you in person, telephone, fax, letter, email, website, website analytics or other suitable communication methods;

– Your information is kept in a secured digital storage facility and any physical copies are kept secured onsite until transferred to our offsite secure location as and when required;

– Your information is kept up to seven years at which point it is securely destroyed by erasing the digital and physical copies (unless otherwise required by complementary legislation);

– We may use cloud storage to store your personal information held. The cloud storage and IT servers may also be outside of New Zealand;

– We may access your personal information stored in the cloud storage from New Zealand as well as overseas should we need to for the purposes of providing our services.

Disclosure of Information:

– Your personal information may be disclosed to those that belong to our professional network to enable me to properly conduct the service;

– Your personal information may be disclosed to regulatory bodies, law enforcement and to third party service providers as permitted or required by law;

– Where your personal information has been disclosed to third parties to perform services, those third parties may handle your information and must only use the information for the purposes for which it was supplied, although we are not responsible for ensuring this.

Access of your information:

– You have the right to request access to your personal information held;

– You have the right to request your personal information to be corrected if you believe it is incorrect;

– We may require some proof of identity before providing any information.

Serious Privacy Breaches:

In case of any serious breaches of privacy we will…

– Contain it by ascertaining the event;

– Assess the seriousness of the breach;

– Notify those affected and the Privacy Commissioner;

– Review our processes to prevent future breaches.


You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, or have any queries about this privacy policy, please contact at: 


Physical: Suite 3, Level 2, 86 Parnell Rd, Parnell, Auckland.

If you are not satisfied with our response to any privacy-related concerns you may have, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner:

Office of the Privacy Commissioner

PO Box 10 094, Wellington, New Zealand

+64 04 474 7590 / 09 302 8655 (within Auckland)

0800 803 909 (outside Auckland)

Fax: 04 474 7595


A trusted financial adviser, not just another mortgage broker.

We are experienced and we will help you turn debts into assets.


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